When a single mom struggling to stay afloat meets a musician half her age she puts her need to escape over the needs of her family. As her life unravels she is forced to accept her own limitations and to find strength in the surrender.
Meet The Cast
Aurelia Riley
Kassie Mundhenk
Wayne Bucknor Jr.
Cheri Hester
Society Tends To...
put the mothers of children with a disability on a pedestal creating an ableist and dehumanizing portrait of reality. Birdy breaks through those stereotypes giving us a flawed, imperfect and often humorous antihero. Exploring three generations of strong women Birdy provides a more accurate glimpse into one of the many stories that makes up what it means to be a mother and a daughter.
Birdy is scheduled to shoot Summer 2024 in Savannah ,GA!
We're a diverse group of filmmakers with various perspectives and backgrounds, though we all seek the same goal: representation. By having more accurate portrayals of individuals with disabilities and their families in movies and pop culture, the stigmas surrounding disability can start to dissolve.